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The growing competition in service industry requires great amounts of effort to keep current customers and attract new ones. The intense competitive environment makes it become very difficult for every firm to retain their existing customers. Meanwhile, the concept of customers’ loyalty and identifying its involving factors have become very important. In these circumstances, firms are always looking for innovative and effective methods to meet or even exceed their customers’ expectations. Thus, by forming an ongoing, mutual and beneficial relationship with their customers, they retain loyalty. This study uses the Integrated Service Management Model to assess customers’ loyalty to Iran Insurance Co. and determine its major factors. This article proposes an applied study through a survey research for which the data are collected by fieldwork. The statistical population includes all customers of Iran Insurance Co. throughout Guilan province. The questionnaire used in this study to gather data contains five-point Likert-type scale items. Out of overall 500 distributed questionnaires, 393 ones have been returned, which gives 87% return rate. Once data are collected, descriptive statistical methods are used to analyze demographic information through frequency distribution tables and scatter plots. This study, for statistical inference part, utilizes Kolmogorov–Smirnov test (K–S test), Pearson correlation coefficient (PCC), and stepwise regression in order to test research hypotheses. The SPSS 18 software is used to analyze data. Deploying the Integrated Service Management Model, the results suggest that the following factors play the most important roles in customers’ loyalty to Iran Insurance Company: product, price and other expenses, physical evidence, time and place, process, efficiency and quality, manpower, promotion and customer training. Among these, manpower is the most important factor, while price and other expenses together with time and place are the least important ones.
Keywords: Integrated Service Management Model; Loyalty; Customer; Attitudinal Loyalty; Behavioral Loyalty; Insurance
Islamic Azad University